Governing Body
Welcome from the Chair of Governors
It is a very great privilege to be the Chair of Governors at such a wonderful school, and it is my pleasure to be able to welcome you to St Pauls School and its website. Please enjoy this opportunity to learn a little more about the school, the staff and what the children are involved with, but remember there is no substitute for the real thing, and we would love the opportunity to give you more information in person should you wish to visit the school.
The Governing Body work really hard in the background of the school setting to ensure that the children really do get the very best opportunities for their learning, growth and development. As Chair, I feel it is my responsibility to ensure that the relationship between the school and its governors is highly effective, as we challenge, support and contribute to the strategic leadership of the school.
Most of all, I enjoy visiting the school to observe for myself the children's enthusiasm and joy, and see the wonderful work they produce, be that a creative display on the wall, a music lesson full of song or a book bursting with work they are so proud to show.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing you at one of our many school events in the future,
Clare Williams
Chair of Governors
Our Ethos Statement
Recognising their historic foundation and in accordance with their Trust Deeds, the schools will preserve and develop their religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church in Wales and in partnership with the Church at Mission Area and Diocesan level.
The schools aim to serve their communities by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. They encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promote Christian values through the experience they offer to all their pupils.
Governing Body Structure
There are five categories of governor, appointed by different groups that have an interest in the school. These are Foundation, Community, LA (Wrexham Council appointed), Parent and Staff governors. All governors have equal status.
We are committed to providing a positive environment for all pupils to enjoy during their time at our school.
Chair of Governors Clare Williams
Vice Chair of Governors Amelia Burke
Foundation Governors
Ex-Officio Rev. Huw Butler, Vacancy, Emma Jones
Parent Vacancy, Laura Jones
Staff Sarah Ellis
Teacher Sandra Francis
Community Vacancy, Amelia Burke, Clare Williams
Parent Governors
Isabel Grierson, Rikki Armitage-Williams
Local Authority Governor
Community Governors
Jack Brereton-Thomas
Additional Community Governor
Tim Sly
Teacher Governor
Rachel Hughes
Staff Governor
Kirsty Jones
Wrexham LA- Jayne Underwood
The Governing Body has the following core strategic functions:
Establishing the strategic direction, by:
- Setting and ensuring clarity of vision, values, and objectives for the school
- Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets
- Meeting statutory duties
Ensuring accountability, by:
- Appointing the Headteacher
- Monitoring the educational performance of the school and progress towards agreed targets
- Performance managing the Headteacher
- Engaging with stakeholders
- Contributing to school self-evaluation
Overseeing financial performance, by:
- Setting the budget
- Monitoring spending against the budget
- Ensuring money is well spent and value for money is obtained
- Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
Governors Annual Report to Families
Please follow this link for the latest annual report to parents.
Governors Annual Report To Families
The Conduct of Governors
Governing bodies and individual governors should act at all times with honesty and integrity and be ready to explain their actions and decisions to staff, pupils, parents and anyone with a legitimate interest in the school. Governors must be aware that minutes and papers of governing body meetings should, as soon as reasonably practicable after a meeting, be made available for anyone to see them at the school (Approved and Non Confidential content only).
The Maelor Church Schools Federation has a strict Code of Conduct Policy which our governors sign up to on an annual basis.
Sometimes a parent, staff member, pupil or someone in the community may raise a concern or make a complaint.
All governing bodies must have and must publish procedures for dealing with complaints.
If you believe you have a serious complaint that has not been resolved by approaching the school, the Governing Body will investigate however it can only do so if you submit a formal complaint.
All formal complaints MUST be submitted using the forms found in the Complaints Policy and Procedure.