St Paul's VA Primary School

Our School Jotter App


Here at St Pauls School we committed to continually improving our communication with parents and carers, and we have recently invested in some new technology to assist us. Giving you instant access from your phone or computer to our newsletters, calendar, news and links to this website and our Facebook page.


Using the School Jotter App we can provide you up-to-the-minute information about the day to day events and news at school, with a regularly updated calendar that can be integrated into your own digital calendar if you choose.


Download our new school app!

If you have a smartphone you can download School Jotter for FREE. It is a personalised app for our school and will allow us to keep you all updated with school information, news, calendar events and contact information. It provides you access to school information at the touch of a button. 




Why should I download the app?
Keep up to date with the very latest items

Term dates, important events
and parents evenings

Get newsletters from your school instantly

Access photos shared by school

Push notifications for urgent messages
and reminders

See who to contact and how

List of useful locations of sports events
or school trips

This innovative app keeps parents engaged by sending all the essential information straight to your phone. You will have access to regularly updated information:

Everything in one app!